Exclusive Booking Your group will not have any other customers in with you.
Run Time 45-60 mins (10 min briefing and 45-60 min escape).
Arrival We recommend arriving 5-10 minutes early but no earlier than 15 minutes. Please be advised there are no restrooms on site(nearest restroom is two mins away - ask your host for directions if needed).
If early we recommend waiting away from the entrance to avoid any spoilers from another group exiting.
What should we bring? Reading glasses or contacts if needed.
Can we take photos? Pictures and recordings are not permitted however your staff member will offer to take a souvenir photo of your group at the end (optional).
Mobile phones Use of mobile phones whilst inside the escape room is not permitted but you may step out at anytime to use them.
What do we wear? High heels are not permitted. We recommend wearing normal casual wear.
Is there secure storage? Yes, storage is available for bags, valuables etc.
Can we bring food and drink? Food and drink is not permitted within the escape room. Bottled water is okay.
Smoking/Vaping not permitted The entire property is a vape and smoke-free zone.
Confirmation Email You will receive confirmation immediately. If you do not please contact us.
Questions Please feel free to contact us with any questions.
Your Experience Provider Your experience provider will be Escape Room Enterprises Pty Ltd (ABN 29 630 779 387).